August was another busy one filled with long work trips and little time together as a family. All work trips aren’t a complete “bad deal” and I had the fortunate task of spending a week up in Seattle. A cool part of the country that we don’t get to see that much of. I spent some time with family and did my best to check out the local tasty places to eat and drink. Walrus and the Carpenter, Portage Bay Cafe, Brave Horse Tavern, Poquitos, Paseo, Delancey, Ma’ono, and Tsukushinbo were all fantastic. Unfortunately the second work trip of the month was in a far less enjoyable locale.
The best part of the month though was the end as the family was back together. So what do you do when your back together after a month apart? Pile in the Land Cruiser, grab some drinks and food, and head to the beach for a evening picnic complete with smores and a nice sunset.