Ski season is officially upon us. With an impending move sometime this summer, it is max time on the slopes while they’re still close. Dear friends of ours invited us up to Mammoth Lakes for the MLK weekend and the kids (and dad) got to strap the planks on for a few days. Absolutely perfect bluebird days for the long weekend.

Will and Dad made it up late Friday and skied Mammoth Mountain with our friends all day Saturday. Will and his buddy both crushed it! They couldn’t get enough and had to be dragged off the mountain with promises of hot chocolate otherwise they still might be up there somewhere.

The ladies joined us the following day so after a night of good food and a few drinks, the whole gang went over to June Mountain on Sunday (kids ski free!). Sophia picked right up where she left off last year and the boys continued to charge down the slopes. They even tackled their first black diamond run! Fearless I tell you!

We decided to swing back over to June on Monday for a half day of skiing and then hit the road late in the afternoon. June was a complete ghost town and we rarely found ourselves on a run with another soul. There were no complaints about the late arrival back in Carlsbad as all West Coast road trips include a stop at In-N-Out. A milk shake and an animal style cheeseburger can cure just about every ailment.