Minnesota Part I: The Death of a Legend!

The first part of our Minnesota adventure started with quite the unexpected twist. Dad picked us up from the Minneapolis airport on-time and in-style; his 1991 Dodge Grand Caravan with, yes – you guessed it, wood panels on the side, slid up to the curb, we tossed our bags in its spacious trunk and hit the road traveling south to Rochester.

The twist came 85 miles later when we were only a few miles from home; while pulling away from a stoplight, we noticed a loud, whining noise coming from the engine compartment. Less than a mile later we were lurching and jerking down the road only to become permanently stuck in second gear. Lucky for us we broke down near the garage where the van is usually serviced. One transmission examination later the mechanic gently broke the news to Dad on the phone: “It’s terminal.” Much to the delight of the ladies, the legendary minivan was dead and Tuesday would now be car shopping day.

Always a forward thinking man, Dad had been researching options for quite some time and before the end of the day, the decision was made! A new Hyundai Santa Fe was purchased and the next trip to the moon began. Our wonderful stay in Rochester included dinner with some friends on Monday and dinner at Sontes with Anne on Tuesday. Wednesday afternoon had Mere and me in the car heading up to Minneapolis for Part II.