
The end of February brought us back to Nashville to spend a weekend with the Harts. It’s great that the kids were looking forward to this visit just as much as us. The weekend was filled with cooking, a tour at Chris’ new office, some kite flying (I think the parents enjoyed it more than the kids,) lots of time on the trampoline and even a date night for the adults. Of course we made time for a few rounds of cards and drinks too.

Back when Phil and I were preparing for our wedding, the chaplain who married us asked us to interview six couples and he wanted half of them to be military couples since some of their experiences vary significantly from a non-military marriage. I remember one particular spouse telling me that the hardest thing about being a military spouse was moving away from the friends you meet. You make friends quickly in the military and then you move and are forced to do it all over again. This particular spouse made a good effort to maintain her friendships but it was hard for her that it wasn’t always reciprocated. She acknowledged that this wasn’t out of malice but simply life. When you’re thousands of miles away from so many friends it’s hard to keep up with all of them. All this to say, I’m grateful to still have these friends in our life. Thanks for a great visit Hart family and we’ll see you again soon!