Sophia’s 11th

So much has happened since we celebrated Sophia’s 11th birthday. A hike across a country and a move across another, just to name a few. While all the business may have been a good excuse to skip the birthday recap, I couldn’t bring myself to skip it. So here it is, four months late.

Sophia’s birthday fell on a Wednesday this year which happened to be her day off dance. While she rarely complains about the five days a week she does have dance, she was excited for the day off which meant she could help out with each step of her cake making. She picked out a cookies and cream cake that we baked the night before and the day of we tackled the frosting and assembly. The result wasn’t 100% what she thought it would be visually, but the taste was. Poke bowls were on the menu for dinner, complete with masago. I so look forward to celebrating the kids each year and seeing what they choose for their birthday meal.

Sophia’s 10th year flew by just like all the ones before. With each passing year I seem to have more and more “Father of the Bride”, moments. She’s standing in front of me as a mature eleven year old, but I can’t get the idea of her being a much younger girl out of my head. She’s still the sweet, caring, creative kiddo she was six years ago. Now just taller, more articulate and asserting more independence with each passing day. When did all this growing up happen? She is so eager for the right of passage that is middle school even though it comes with a move, a new school, and new friends. She is forging ahead bravely with a smile on her face and I couldn’t be more proud.

Twinkle Toes, it is our privilege to walk beside you and we can’t wait to see how the adventure unfolds!