What’s better than Christmas with family? Not. A. Thing. Well, maybe Christmas with a little bit of snow on the ground but that is kind of splitting hairs. The lead up to the end of the month was spent listening to Christmas music, taking evening spins through the neighborhood to see the lights, and prodding Dad to hang some Christmas lights of our own. I finally relented and we hung a few but skipped on the inflatable lawn ornaments and music-synced lasers.

Since we’re back in the area, we jumped over to Arlington on Saturday for the Wreaths Across America where we helped lay wreaths and said hello to a few names we recognized. As Christmas grew near and school wrapped up, the kids went into baker mode and whipped up a variety of treats without any adult input except the usual fiscal assistance at the checkout line.

Despite some initial concern that we would not be able to source this year’s contestants in the Xmas Lobsta Race, the grocery store came through with three fine candidates. I looked back at some old pictures to try and find the inaugural Lobsta Race but was unsuccessful. Luckily my wife has a better memory than most computers so she was able to spit out “right before Susan’s wedding… I was out shopping at the time… that would’ve been 2013.” Unreal. But also very correct. You continue to amaze me Mere. All this to say, we held the 10th annual Lobsta Race this year and 10 years running… zero contestants survived. So for the 10th year in a row, we started our Christmas dinner with a fantastic lobster bisque.

Once the food was all gone, we settled into the living room and the four of us plus Mumsie unwrapped presents piled too high under (and around) the tree. We all enjoyed the slow days following Christmas full of more food and a surprisingly high number of chess games of all things. Will has taken quite the liking to the game which has forced Mom to learn how to play and Dad to constantly defend his title as reigning champ of the house (for now).