All sorts of action going on this June. School is winding down. Work is… well, not winding down… but… we managed to squeeze in a trip to the Mecca of Summer (San Diego of course!) nonetheless. What could be a better start to June than that you ask?
How about winning the Alexandria Little League Championships!!

That’s right fans, the Tiger Sharks were able to fend off the… somebody-elses that Dad can’t remember… and win the big championship game 7-6 under the bright lights at Little Simpson Field on Saturday night. Post game treats were had at Jeni’s (even Dad ate ice cream) and the celebration continued with some victory pies the following day. Well done bud.
The summer delights continued to build as we boarded a plane to San Diego to spend a few days with our extended family (that isn’t really our family but they still count as family). From In-N-Out to El Nopalito and from Padres Stadium to the beach, we hit all the favorite spots.

After eight days of fun it was back on the plane to Virginia. Will had more vacations in store but Mom and Dad had boxes in our future… Time to move… not again!