So long Stafford

The older I get the more I feel the old adage, “the days are long but the years are short” applies to the stage of life we’re in. Actually, it feels more like the days and years are short. Anyway, somehow four years flew by and it means it’s time to say so long to…

Christmas traditions

Over the last decade or so that Phil and I have spent Christmas together, even as we’ve moved around the country and added kids to the mix, we still think fondly of our Christmas traditions with family in Minnesota. As the years have passed, we’ve spent less Christmases in Minnesota then we wish but that…

Just another month in VA

Aside from Dad’s relentless work travel the past four months (the end is in sight), VA continues to be the source of smiles for the family. Three years after discovering it, we finally got a picture with the kids in front of “their intersection.” The kids continue to enjoy school and rarely come home with…

A day in the life of March

March has been a relatively quiet month around the house. Well, let me rephrase that… March has been a month around the house. Home as a family? Mostly. Quiet? Never. The hustle and bustle of life never can be avoided but sometimes you remember to take a break from it all and smile about the…

Hittin’ the Slopes!

As an avid skier, nothing gets me more excited than when the snow starts coming down. Sadly, I’ve been an observer and not a participant due to the hustle and bustle that is life. It’s rare that I get a chance to get out and ski these days and I have been longing for a…

Low Water Bridge

While the whole family (including Lucy) would enjoy one weekend a month in a tent with a cup of coffee and a view, sadly it has only been a once or twice a year event. The Virginia heat and humidity subsided just in time for a weekend free of social and work obligations. The perfect…

Over the river and through the woods…

To Mumsie’s house we go! Our nephews, Thomas and Benji, were spending a few days at Mumsie’s so we took advantage of the fact that they were a short car ride away and drove to Bassett for the weekend. The kids were excited and it’s always great seeing them hit it off each time they’re…

Out and About

We’ve had a pretty mild winter which has allowed us to get out and do some exploring on the weekends. On one of Mumsie’s last visits we drove up to Maryland, just past Andrews AFB to check out Watkins Regional Park. All I knew about the park was that it had a Wizard of Oz…

A quick excursion

Got to take advantage of the time off these days! It feels like the busy, unpredictable work schedule overlaid on top of the school schedule has wreaked havoc on our adventuring as of late. No more Tuesday afternoon trips when everyone is in school but mom and dad. Lame. Fortunately there is still some time…

Dog days of summer

July is when the temps pick up around here and when that’s the case, we seem to find ourselves chasing the usual American escapes. A little road trip here, a little bike trip there, and as much pool time as we can find. Of course there are near-daily ice cream for the kids (and mom)…