The good kind of madness: Family Time!

As we rounded the corner of summer and life ran full-speed into fall, we still had some question marks on the schedule for the upcoming holiday season. Lucky for us, the Tetris blocks fell into place a few weeks ago for us to host a grand Thanksgiving celebration. We were thrilled to have visitors from…

Spooky Stafford

October was a busy month with quite the ghoulish end. Not because anything hauntingly bad happened but just because, you know – Halloween – it happens every October. When it comes to Halloween, I share the same sentiments as my dad… Halloween has to be the worst “holiday” of the year… gimme gimmie, free candy……

A birthday recap: Will turns 12!

Better late than never…at least this time I’m hitting publish on this post in the same calendar year! Despite the delay in photos showing up here, we never miss an opportunity to celebrate the kids on their big day. I love birthdays even more when I’m not the one blowing out the candles – a…

It’s the 10th of August Again

Fifth time that the stars continue to align. Hardly an accident but it is starting to get a little hard to see the picture in the picture in the picture…

Brand new address; same great place called HOME.

Move #9 under the belt. Not something we were excited to complete but we hatched a plan and executed when the time was right. Being that this was a move around the corner, we shuttled most of our stuff south a carload or two at a time. Our schedules were a little wonky this month…

Staring Summer with a Big Swing

All sorts of action going on this June. School is winding down. Work is… well, not winding down… but… we managed to squeeze in a trip to the Mecca of Summer (San Diego of course!) nonetheless. What could be a better start to June than that you ask? How about winning the Alexandria Little League…

A visit to the island

Newport, Rhode Island that is! While I had visited Newport once before it seemed to escape me that it was in fact an island and not a peninsula. It wasn’t until our trip to see the Clays and Carolyn mentioning things on “the island” that it clicked. We took advantage of the holiday weekend hopped…

A new era

Sophia turned 13 and with that it feels like we’ve officially entered a new era of parenting – the teenage years! Fortunately she continues to take things pretty easy on us and unlike the stereotypical teenager who is embarrassed to be seen with their parents, she still seems to think we’re pretty cool…we think! Twelve…

Shreddin’ Out West

3/4 of the Wiktors continue to be proud members of the Epic family and the other quarter of us ain’t no stranger to a relaxing time in the mountains with family. I have become pretty rigid in my ski trip requirements that I use as planning factors. No weekend or holiday skiing. Must stay on…

A Quiet Month

After the busy holidays [and a quick trip to SoCal in January], February proved to be a pleasantly slow month. We savored our family dinners, weekend outings, and fun moments around the house. Lucy continued to live the life of Lucy which involves sleep interrupted by the occasional walk, snack, or tail wag. I did…