There were plants! A lime tree, an avocado tree, and an orange tree! And a bunch of others that won’t give us fruit but should keep the yard looking nice. One year, four months and sixteen days after we closed on our house we finally scratched the landscaping “to-do” off our list.
I think the bulk of the success can be attributed to Meredith finally convincing me that I just don’t have the time to do it all myself. Shortly after I got back in April, we hired a few landscapers to clear the four foot tall weeds that had grown over the last 7 months. Next we went to work with a landscape designer and a vision: a few fruit trees and a bunch of California natives that would only need a little bit of water and a whole lot of sun to thrive.
With the plan in hand, we found a great landscaper who put it into action. After a couple weeks of hard work (on their part not ours) the backyard was finished complete with our lime, Valencia orange, Haas trees, and a drip irrigation system to keep the 87 plants healthy and happy. I think we even have a few limes that are ready to pick (looks like we beat you dad)!