Little breaks: you’ve got to get them while you can. Life has been keeping us pretty busy as of late but I think we’ve done an okay job carving out enough free time here and there to enjoy ourselves. The near-daily supply of afternoon smoothies keeps the kids smiling and their bellies full (unless Mere tries to sneak in too much spinach). The occasional trip to DC keeps the parents smiling (especially when we find a great spot for a cappuccino of for lunch and a glass of wine).
The biggest adventure of the month was the camping adventure in the blue truck. We had been waiting for the weather to cool a bit before we packed all the gear up and drove the 10 mile journey to Prince William Forest National Park. The new tent was a big hit, the food was perfect, and the Land Cruiser fired up on the first try to bring us home the next morning. Pretty much a perfect execution by all accounts (smores helped convince the kids).
Next up: Halloween. We’re ready.