A trip to Minnesota in the summer is such a treat! It’s a rare occasion when we get to go and just visit – no holiday, specific event, or agenda. Well, maybe there’s still an agenda because I like a plan but the agenda items are relaxation and family time.
Our summer trip was three long weeks sandwiched around Sophia’s Canadian adventure (hopefully she’ll share about that soon). Phil joined us for the first week in Rochester. Week two, Sophia left for Canada and Phil headed back to his favorite five-sided windowless desk leaving Will and I to enjoy some quality time with Susan and Kim and the St. Paul crew. Week three Sophia returned and we wrapped up our trip with lots of fun in the cities with Grandma, Duane, John, and Lauren. The trip may have ended with an ambulance ride, a few stitches, and one totaled car, but despite that I would say it was a huge success.
Ok, less talking and more pictures. Minnesota – thanks for being so good to us!