
Where has the time gone? Little Sophia is already 6 months old! She’s not crawling yet, but she’s been busy exploring and experiencing all sorts of new things over the last month. We started cereal (which she was not a fan of) but once fruits and veggies were introduced she was on board. She’s also…

On the 504th day…

There were plants! A lime tree, an avocado tree, and an orange tree! And a bunch of others that won’t give us fruit but should keep the yard looking nice. One year, four months and sixteen days after we closed on our house we finally scratched the landscaping “to-do” off our list. I think the…


At the request of someone in the house who enjoys a good pretzel with his beer, the Wiktors decided to have a May-toberfest complete with beer from boots, sauerkraut, and of course, fresh hot pretzels. Utilizing the latest and greatest in pretzel making technology (Kitchen-aid mixer) and a recipe pilfered from someone’s food blog, we…

Hello world!

Sophia Rose came screaming into the world and our lives on Wednesday, April 27th at 9:48am. She weighed in at 6lbs 15oz and was 18 inches long. Phil and I were happy to welcome her and thrilled that she waited to make her debut until Phil returned home. We are so lucky to have our…


That’s what the Wiktors will be soon! We are expecting a baby girl – Sophia Rose. So far the first 23 weeks of pregnancy have treated Meredith great; lets hope the trend continues. The holidays are over so now it’s time to kick baby preparations into full gear. Stay tuned for baby Wiktor’s debut in…

And on the 158th day there was GRASS!

BOOM! The green stuff is finally here. After a little more sweat the backyard is now green! The final push in the fight for green was truly a joint effort on the part of all of the San Diego Wiktors (Phil, Meredith, and Carolyn) as well as Trey, a good friend of Phil’s. The rest…

Fighting the backyard… again…

So the day when I sit back and just water and mow is quickly approaching. A few big hurdles were cleared over the past two weekends. Last weekend I finally got rid of the old grass! I went to Home Depot to get a sod cutter but after a conversation with Rick in the rental…

Backyard tackled… sort of

Fini! Well at least the wall is done. It started out as a one weekend project but that didn’t quite go as planned. Three separate weekends with three trips to Home Depot to rent a jack-hammer and it is finally done. Of course by “it” I mean the wall. There’s still the sod, the landscaping,…

The quest to tackle the yard

“Yikes! The yard!” Probably one of the first things that would run through your head if you walked into the backyard of the new place when we got it. Have no fear, a plan to upgrade is in the works. First step: out with the old. Easier said than done though… In an effort to…

New House!

So keeping in the spirit of new things… us Wiktors just bought a new house. Concurrent with our training for Mt Whitney, we also had been spending a great deal of time looking for a new place to call home. Our rental was nice but we were looking for something a little larger and something…