Hard to keep things normal these days but we’ve still managed to put smiles on the faces of those we love. The first portion of the month was spent at home where we still have the luxury of a fine cup of coffee or a craft cocktail when we need it. The kids have fared pretty well all things considered and generally get their schoolwork done with only medium amounts of prodding.
It’s great being reminded that kids don’t change all that much over the generations. Turns out you can have just as much fun with a Nintendo as you can with an empty cardboard box and some markers. The highlight of the “simple pleasures” of May was introducing the kids to bobbing for apples and seeing everyone (including mom and dad) try their luck.
Towards the end of the month, thing started opening up a bit and we took the opportunity to get on some of the lesser known hiking trails in the area. With the help of our Louisiana-born friend, we even found a secret, thriving community of crawdads!
Here’s to a more normal June…