Never enough time seems to be a common theme. June put the exclamation mark on that statement as we readied for yet another move (number six since 2006!). We did our best to spend our days doing the things that make Carlsbad stand out as one of our favorite spots on the map.

Sophia closed out her elementary school days with typical Pacific Rim fanfare. The kids got busy enjoying the break from school and long summer days. Dad and Will made it to Top Gun 2 and another Padres game. Lucy did her lazy dog thing.
We did our best to have one more dinner, one more walk, or one more meaningful moment with our friends in the area that we consider family. We did so knowing that one more wasn’t going to be enough but we would make sure to carve out time to meet again in the future.
Never “goodbye.” Always “see you later.”
And the movers arrive.